I am fascinated in the interaction between the physical and digital dimensions, and this has formed a central theme which I am continually exploring throughout my work in artistic, educational, and academic domains.
This website is a selection of my personal, university, and professional projects spanning across the last 7 years. I understand it as a sort of archive, organized by a loose collection of concepts that follow me through my works and keep sparking my interest.
Digital Construction Lab, Swinburne University of Technology — Research Exchange
Grasp — Co-founder
Faculty of Design, Swinburne University of Technology — Lecturer & Tutor
Department for Structural Design and Technology, University of Arts, Berlin — Tutor & Researcher
David Chipperfield Architects, Berlin — Intern & Freelancer
Xoio, Studio for Animation and Architectural Visualization, Berlin — Intern & Freelancer
Master of Arts, Design & Computation, University of Arts Berlin / Technical University Berlin
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture, University of Arts Berlin
Erasmus Exchange, Glasgow School of Arts